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Friday, December 07, 2007


December 7, 2007....

.... a date which will live in cabdriving infamy.

Dumbasses were a dime a dozen last night. I suspect it had something to do with the arrival of Arctic Slope Native Corporation dividend checks earlier in the day.

Of course that would be a politically incorrect suspicion. To be fair it wasn't just Eskimos acting stupid.... no wait. That's not true.

At any rate I need to go to bed. I might post some stories later this week.

There were so many good stories that I had better note a couple before I forget them.

Do not read. Spoilers Follow

The crying girl at the crack house and cops story.

The "you must be new. All the cabdrivers in your company let me charge rides," story.

The "oh no, this isn't a crack house, my daughter lives here" story.

Can you get me to the Comet Club for five bucks? story.

Dumbass cabdriver is back.

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