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Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Back from the con

Had a blast. Didn't take many pictures this year, but when I find my camera I shall post a couple.

Highlight of the event: There were so many, but scoring We the People in the flea market was right up there. Learning Tichu in the airport after the con is probably the event I will still remember 50 years from now. (Thanks Adam.) I've really wanted to learn Tichu for years, but no one in these parts seems too interested in card games.

Other items of note:

ZiggyZambo is much younger than expected. Sinister Dexter still has the coolest user name but he looks nothing like his avatar. The puppet avatar guy, Hibikir, does not have the standard mid-west accent.

Many females at the con this year. Surprisingly so, even. Many more than I remember from last year.

One female, who you would know if you log on to BGG, and myself exchanged Aaron Potter stories. Aaron Potter stories are a great icebreaker for BGGers who were around before 2005. If you don't have an Aaron Potter story, make one up, everybody who was around at that time will believe it.

Learned Mr. Jack from Jason Henke. Mr. Jack was my favorite game of the con, and the best game I have played since the last con when I learned Taj Mahal. Truth be told, I initially liked Mr. Jack better than Taj Mahal which has since become my second most favorite game.

Star Wars:Queen's Gambit with Dwayne Hendrickson. I was mercifully spared a humiliating defeat by the buzzer. The game library was closing for good on Sunday afternoon and we needed to get the game back before Derk came for his pound of flesh.

You would think that I would have at least briefly met Mr. Cranky, considering the effort I put in to this endeavor. But consider, I also put a lot of effort into finding the one guy at the event wearing a yarmulka. I didn't find him until the place had cleared out on Sunday afternoon, but it was a pleasure to finally meet and play a game with Yehuda, even if it was Oh Hell.

I met far fewer foreigners this year than last. Believe I only played one game with two Canadians (not counting Oh Hell with Yehuda). Last year I played numerous times with various people from England, Australia, Brazil, or other countries. Seems like there should have been more foreigners considering the weakness of the dollar.

It seemed as though the majority of attendees were avatarless. I believe the avatarless were a distinct minority last year.

Had a blast. See you next year. Thanks to Aldie, Derk, Vicki and the crew for putting on an excellent event. Here is a local video news report from the event, I doubt this link will work for more than a couple more days. Wasn't too impressed with the coverage, but here it is anyway: http://www.star-telegram.com/videos/ click on the board game story.

And yes. After viewing the video clip you may want to know if I had the opportunity to play Agricola, and I did. Wasn't too impressed. Was intrigued by the game. I can see the game has potential, but it reminded me a lot of Caylus which I initally liked, but which quickly went on a significant downward trajectory.

I did like Agricola enough that I pre-ordered the game from Z-Man games which is producing the game in English and had a booth at the con.

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